Life Story / Obituary
With heavy hearts, we announce the passing of Craig Alan Herkner on November 1, 2022. Born July 9, 1969, Craig was a man with a huge heart who would go out of his way to help people in need. He loved animals and had taken in many over the years, mostly the ones nobody else thought worthy.
Craig a/k/a Kooter, also had a passion for wheeling in the mud, always pushing beyond the limits of what he was driving. He even opened his property to his friends, until the powers-that-be decided that was not a good idea.
Over the years, his penance for bad luck and health issues took its toll. Despite this, he kept a good attitude about life.
He was preceded in death by his father, Robert C. Herkner and is survived by his mother, Barbara J. Herkner; his brothers, Dale (Tracie) Herkner, Steve (Trinia) Herkner, and his nephews and nieces, Bryce, Cole, Taylor and Morgan.
We want to acknowledge the huge help Craig’s best friend was. You made his life better every day. The family’s appreciation is very deep.
If you would like to make a memorial contribution in honor of Craig, please consider the American Diabetes Association or the Manistee County Humane Society (
An informal celebration of Craig’s life will be held 2 pm to 5pm Life Story Funeral Home, 400 Hammond Rd. W, Traverse City, Michigan 49686 on Thursday, November 17th from 2-5pm.
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