Life Story / Obituary
Seth Anthony Weber, 43 of Grawn, died April 7, 2023.
He will be missed by so many people.
Seth is survived by his mother, Cyndi Weber and his sisters, Amber, Alisha, and Laura.
He was preceded in death by his father, Edward William Weber.
Seth was a gifted cook and he could hold a conversation with anyone. He would go out of his way to help people in need.
Seth didn’t take any “sht” from anyone. He was one of the last good ole boys. His faith was strong in Jesus.
To his closest friends, Dan, Dale, Tony, Jeff, Justin, Jimmy, Erika, and special lady Brittany, we thank you for loving Seth as much as we do. For sticking with him through the good and the bad. He was blessed to have friends like you.
We were blessed to have him while we did.
Seth’s Celebration of Life will be at The Fireplace Inn on April 22, 2023 at 4pm.
Please come, bring a dish to pass, and memories to share.
RSVP Amber at 944-2619.
Please visit to share your thoughts and more.