Life Story / Obituary
Наша мама и бабушка Евгения, полюбила Иисуса в детстве. Она посвятила всю свою жизнь для Господа, прожив очень тяжёлое без отца детство. Пройдя все трудности и испытания послевоенного безбожного атеизма, она осталась верная Богу, показав собой пример всем нам для подражания.
Все мы были счастливы с ней, видя всегда её радостное и любвиобильное лицо и доброе сердце, безропотно заботясь о нас и отдавая себя детям и внукам с полной любовью! Будучи доброй женой, заботливой матерью, и милостивой бабушкой, Евгения останется навсегда для всех нас в светлой памяти о лучшего воспоминания, чтобы достигнуть всем нам с ней желанной встречи в небесах!
А пока, "ожидая блаженного упования и явления славы великого Бога и Спасителя нашего Иисуса Христа, будем хранить благодать, которою будем служить благоугодно Богу, с благоговением и страхом!" К Титу 2:13, К Евреям 12:28.
Yevgenia Oleksandrovna Chekhovskaya -
She married Stanislav Aksentievich Chekhovskiy
on October 9, 1955.
Together they had 12 children, 92 grandchildren, 139 great-grandchildren, and 1 great-great-grandchild. The whole family consists of 307 people. She left for the Heavenly Jerusalem peacefully on February 28, 2022, having lived
86 years and 38 days.
Our mother and grandmother Yevgenia loved Jesus since her childhood. She devoted her whole life to the Lord, having lived through a very difficult childhood without a father. Having gone through all the difficulties and trials of post-war godless atheism, she remained faithful to God, setting an example for everyone to follow.
We were all happy with her, always seeing her joyful face and kind, loving heart, meekly taking care of us and giving herself to her children and grandchildren with full love! Being a kind wife, a caring mother, and a gracious grandmother, Yevgenia will forever remain in bright memory for all of us, in order to achieve our
desired reunion with her in heaven!
But for now, “looking for the blessed hope and glorious appearing of our great God and Savior Jesus Christ, let us have grace, by which we may serve God acceptably with reverence and godly fear.” Titus 2:13, Hebrews 12:28
Visitation will be held 6pm to 8pm, Saturday, March 5, 2022 at Life Story Funeral Home. Services will start at 1:00 pm, Sunday, March 6, 2022 at the Congregational Church, Traverse City. Graveside services will be held 11:00 am, Tuesday, March 8, 2022 at Grand Traverse Memorial Gardens.